so god is everywhere. got it.
and i am here .. but where ? there seems to be no place for me if god is taking up all the space.
so let's say, god makes a box ( out of himself since he is the All ) and he puts me ( again, created out of Himself ) into the box. i can see other people and other things ... so i have to assume, they are in the same box and they too, are made out of the All.
so i am now a content of creation ( creation being this box i am in ) interacting with "the others", who have as their core, the same Source as myself.
now it gets really complicated - i feel i am independent - a universe unto myself - and everything else is, hence, not me. this induces me to pull certain things towards me and repel others - we spiral downwards into the pit of likes and dislikes and suffer the resulting pleasures and pain completely oblivious to the fact that there can be no "other" for the building blocks for all creation is one and the same.
so why all the stress ? why the isolation and fear ? why the anguish and pain ?
what we need is an active form of deconstruction ... the way forward is to progressively move back.
there are no others
i am part of That
there is no place other than Him
i am already at the Source
i am nothing but the Source
the box is now not only empty, but in truth, there is no box.
simple directions, but where do we start ? we expand our vision, open our hearts and completely encompass all around us ... feel, in your heart of hearts, FEEL, there is only ONE... once that first step is taken, the rest follows, like the river to the ocean..
live well.
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